Tuesday, December 11, 2007

CAIR and the Bullying of America

Well, The Council on American-Islamic Relations is back at it again, this time making the news three times in the same week. Boy are they staying busy!

The FBI recently released their Hate Crime Statistics for 2006, and it seems to be at odds with CAIR's report of the same time frame. In fact it appears that CAIR's report is greatly exaggerated. They probably take into account every time a Non-Muslim looks at them cross-eyed.

Do a web search for CAIR and you can see they have quite an illustrious history of fabrication.

Also, CAIR has been at war with radio talk show host Michael Savage, waging a boycott on his show citing "Hate Speech".

Well, Savage is fighting back. He has filed a lawsuit in Federal Court, citing CAIR as a "Vehicle of international terrorism", and for misuse of his copyrighted broadcast material.

And for the hat trick...

CAIR was busted out Friday in regards to planting questioners in the audience of the presidential debates. These plants, one of which was the executive director for the Chicago chapter, are posing as ordinary citizens, and asking questions skewed towards the so-called victimization of Muslims. You can link HERE for the rest of the story from World Net daily.

I thinks it's time that we took CAIR over our collective knees and give them a good old fashioned spanking.